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Petro-Canada Heat Transfer Fluid CALFLO AF

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
Dilihat Sebanyak
9 kali


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Detail Petro-Canada Heat Transfer Fluid CALFLO AF

Petro-Canada’ s CALFLO AF is an efficient heat transfer fluid designed for use in systems operating continuously at temperatures up to 316° C ( 600° F) . CALFLO AF is a blend of our exceptionally pure HT hydrocracked base oils and a patented Petro-Canada additive system. This combination makes CALFLO AF particularly effective in open systems where oxidation resistance is essential. CALFLO AF delivers excellent heat transfer efficiency, superior oxidative and thermal stability, together with low toxicity. Performance Benefits = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * Excellent thermal and oxidative stability. * Provides excellent heat transfer efficiency over an extended period of time. * Superior resistance to fluid breakdown. * Non-fouling composition reduces formation of abrasive coke within heat transfer systems. * Significantly lowers maintenance costs and less fluid top-up is required. * CALFLO AF is non-hazardous, non-toxic and odourless. * CALFLO AF does not require special handling and is not considered a " controlled substance" under United States OSHA, Canadian WHMIS, or other workplace regulations. * Used CALFLO AF may be responsibly disposed of through used-oil recyclers. * CALFLO AF produces no objectionable odours, so plant working conditions remain pleasant.
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